Saturday, July 28, 2007


To stand in this world alone takes courage, courage that not everyone has. The simple task of being alone is a big burden to carry. You will have to submit yourself to solitude and come to terms with the one thing you can't hide from, yourself. The hardest thing to accept is not what other people might say about you, but what you will think of yourself. That is the one thing that will always be true, not the type of self evaluation that you say aloud and share with other, but the things that your heart tells you about you and that your self conscience will only agree upon, those observations are the ones that sting.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Life is a funny thing we go through, most of the time we think we know the out come of things happening in our life, if lucky the outcome will be what was expected. Other times however, you think something is going one way and dramatically find that it turns out another way. What I'm referring to in particular is about relationships. Be it friendship or more than that, a relationship is the most random occurrence of life. Like for example I had thought that I wouldn't become attached to a girl I met, I actually thought the opposite. I would say to my self that she would most likely be the one getting too attached to me and that I wouldn't because I had control over my emotions, well it wasn't like that. Now at this moment in time I feel as if I'm more attached to her then she is to me... quiet frankly I think I'm the only one that has developed some sort of attachment at all. During the night or any time I get to my self I start to analyze my situation and come to a possible conclusion, maybe I just need a girl to have as an actual girlfriend. Last time I had one of those was like 2 years ago and that was a long relationship too, lasted for four years one month and some days. I am having fun being single, don't get me wrong, but I think that somewhere in me, there is a part that wants to have a girl. I mean without all the drama and hard times I had towards the end of my last relationship, I enjoyed having someone to go to at the end of the day and talk about random nonsense that most likely no one would care for. Now more often than not I find myself looking for someone to talk to about what I want. Within my group of friends, though we share a lot of things when it comes to interests, there isn't one person I can really talk to.


Time comes and goes through my life. I start to wonder off into the sky, wonder what is it that goes by in your side. It was all going according to plan, fun here and fun there, nothing serious all is fair. Little by little, day by night, something strange began inside. It wasn't possible, no it cant, but out of the ashes there it stands. I had a feeling you might be here, not I nor me, but you standing still. How wrong was my mind, thinking for my feelings ahead of time. "Ah the irony" I say, be careful what you wished for my dear lad, for the next time you turn your way a new venture will be at hand. Heh, wish I knew that before hand. Now I'm here by my self but yet never alone. always someone to talk to but never anything to talk about. I think I fell, the wrong way I fell. This one gem, with hidden beauty and so much to show, it captivated me, it drew me in. I like it here, I like the way it feels when you are here. I wish you knew, but now I'm here, not you nor we, but me, here standing still.

Welcome to my madness..

Thanks for coming; here you will find a collection of things I randomly come up with. Most of them are a way to vent out how I feel, others are just random stuff my mind comes up with. I like to write short stories on my spare time, hopefully I'll get to post some here too :) So please keep coming back, I post things every now and then and some times more often than others. Again thanks for coming and hope you enjoy what you see, and please feel free to comment!!! :)