Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sweet Dilemma.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
And it still goes on...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
To stand in this world alone takes courage, courage that not everyone has. The simple task of being alone is a big burden to carry. You will have to submit yourself to solitude and come to terms with the one thing you can't hide from, yourself. The hardest thing to accept is not what other people might say about you, but what you will think of yourself. That is the one thing that will always be true, not the type of self evaluation that you say aloud and share with other, but the things that your heart tells you about you and that your self conscience will only agree upon, those observations are the ones that sting.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
The Dungeon...
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Hate and Love
Hate is a powerful feeling; it takes a lot from one person to actually hate some one. It is the same as loving someone; same in the sense of power, on the effectiveness of it... well Hate is always victorious. When you hate someone and act upon your hate, you will always come out victorious. You do something to make someone suffer and it will always pay off. When you create suffering there is only different degrees of suffering. It could be minor suffering but its still suffering or it could be unbearable suffering, it’s all still just that... suffering. When you love some one you are in for a world of disappointment. You try to please and satisfy the person you love, you put all your heart into it and do everything with the best attitude possible and yet you are still looking at very unstable odds. Nothing will ever warranty you that what you do for love will be accepted in the way you want nor will you know if you will get the answer you want. Love is such a weak feeling when it’s put into practice. You are putting yourself on the line of fire when you act in the name of love; the receiving partner on the love encounter has the power to hurt you. One accepts the fact that pain may come on way but never prepares itself for it. Hate on the other hand is always full of accomplishment, like I said before there are only different degrees of suffering and pain, and thus only different degrees of satisfaction.
Cloud 9
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The Weed-o-sphere

We met up with each other and talked, out of no where Chieky, my other friend, shows up and we all wonder how he got here, and then how did WE get here. So a round of questions started, Saulo and Rita both got to the island together. Both were previously in the Titanic, while the sinking was going on Saulo said that he was used as a counter weight to try to balance the ship. That didn't work and obviously as we all know, the Titanic sunk. Rita saw Saulo in the water and used him as a raft to reach safety. Both knocked out during the night and woke up at the Island. My reason on how i got to the island....i never really did find out. All i remember is being wet for a long time and then BAM!! i was on the island. so yeah everyone had pretty simple and straight forward stories except Chieky. He started telling us some stuff about an airplane and that something happen to it he thought of something and what not and then he fell from the sky and landed on the Island.

Anyways, what happens now its what make a difference since its an event that created the Weed-o-sphere. We were all hanging out for a while and we decided to explore the island. we were still at the shore so we made our way to the innards of the island. i was in the front and noticed the big deal. The whole island was full of weed plants!!!! ALL the trees were giant Weed plants one after the other the whole entire place was a huge Weed Garden. I told my friends about it and they all started laughing, it was great, i mean all the weed and just four of us. But then when we were embracing the sight, some how i created a forest fire. Now the whole island was burning up and filling the air with smoke.

That was our experience that one day, and thanks to the Weed-o-sphere great things happen later on, but thats another story for another blog.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Needless Sleep
Welcome to my madness..
Thanks for coming; here you will find a collection of things I randomly come up with. Most of them are a way to vent out how I feel, others are just random stuff my mind comes up with. I like to write short stories on my spare time, hopefully I'll get to post some here too :) So please keep coming back, I post things every now and then and some times more often than others. Again thanks for coming and hope you enjoy what you see, and please feel free to comment!!! :)