Sunday, March 25, 2007
Dark in the middle of the night i sat. Nothing was visible, as hard as I tried I could never seem to find the light. I was wishing for the end of the tunnel for quiet a while, then I allowed it to settle into my veins. The Darkness had made itself anew within my self, I was happy in total disillusion. I learned to make the most out of what the sweet darkness could provide me with.
After a few eons had past, something happened, the darkness was willingly disturbed. She had arrived, her majestic looks were embraced by my eyes, my heart felt sudden warmth. It was a blessing maybe or it was a false sense of joy. Whatever it might have been it created a new me, a new beginning to my already going story, a beginning that I will take and develop.
A shinning pearl deep in the night, even without a source of light managed to light up the way, bringing me closer to her. I could smell her sent and all I did was dream...
The Weed-o-sphere
So we were in this island one day. The weather was great, clear blue sky and the breeze was cool. We had just washed ashore. I turned to my left and there i saw my two friends Rita and Saulo, both
looked like i did...just washed ashore.
We met up with each other and talked, out of no where Chieky, my other friend, shows up and we all wonder how he got here, and then how did WE get here. So a round of questions started, Saulo and Rita both got to the island together. Both were previously in the Titanic, while the sinking was going on Saulo said that he was used as a counter weight to try to balance the ship. That didn't work and obviously as we all know, the Titanic sunk. Rita saw Saulo in the water and used him as a raft to reach safety. Both knocked out during the night and woke up at the Island. My reason on how i got to the island....i never really did find out. All i remember is being wet for a long time and then BAM!! i was on the island. so yeah everyone had pretty simple and straight forward stories except Chieky. He started telling us some stuff about an airplane and that something happen to it he thought of something and what not and then he fell from the sky and landed on the Island.

Anyways, what happens now its what make a difference since its an event that created the Weed-o-sphere. We were all hanging out for a while and we decided to explore the island. we were still at the shore so we made our way to the innards of the island. i was in the front and noticed the big deal. The whole island was full of weed plants!!!! ALL the trees were giant Weed plants one after the other the whole entire place was a huge Weed Garden. I told my friends about it and they all started laughing, it was great, i mean all the weed and just four of us. But then when we were embracing the sight, some how i created a forest fire. Now the whole island was burning up and filling the air with smoke.
We watch the event as we got high from the fire. After not too long when all the weed was gone, our planet earth had something new, a Weed-o-sphere. Its a new layer of the Earth's atmosphere all made out of weed. Its right before the astronauts reach space. So when a rocket takes off and the astronauts are all nervous about the flight, they go through the Weed-o-sphere, get high and have an awesome mission (imagine high in space with no gravity...INSANE). At the time this new layer of sphere was created, the whole planet experienced a global high, i like to call it "The Big Pot"...well i dont really call it that but its a name lol.
That was our experience that one day, and thanks to the Weed-o-sphere great things happen later on, but thats another story for another blog.

We met up with each other and talked, out of no where Chieky, my other friend, shows up and we all wonder how he got here, and then how did WE get here. So a round of questions started, Saulo and Rita both got to the island together. Both were previously in the Titanic, while the sinking was going on Saulo said that he was used as a counter weight to try to balance the ship. That didn't work and obviously as we all know, the Titanic sunk. Rita saw Saulo in the water and used him as a raft to reach safety. Both knocked out during the night and woke up at the Island. My reason on how i got to the island....i never really did find out. All i remember is being wet for a long time and then BAM!! i was on the island. so yeah everyone had pretty simple and straight forward stories except Chieky. He started telling us some stuff about an airplane and that something happen to it he thought of something and what not and then he fell from the sky and landed on the Island.

Anyways, what happens now its what make a difference since its an event that created the Weed-o-sphere. We were all hanging out for a while and we decided to explore the island. we were still at the shore so we made our way to the innards of the island. i was in the front and noticed the big deal. The whole island was full of weed plants!!!! ALL the trees were giant Weed plants one after the other the whole entire place was a huge Weed Garden. I told my friends about it and they all started laughing, it was great, i mean all the weed and just four of us. But then when we were embracing the sight, some how i created a forest fire. Now the whole island was burning up and filling the air with smoke.

That was our experience that one day, and thanks to the Weed-o-sphere great things happen later on, but thats another story for another blog.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
This was a piece i wrote last November. it was for a friend...
A dream, a desire, a picture painted to perfection in a fragile crystal. Its purpose is to accentuate its beauty. Nothing seems to break the picture but yet you grow nervous as you get closer to it. The light shinning through makes it ever so much more beautiful than you ever thought. Cautiously you walk towards it in hope of you being able to touch it, Once, at least once you would want to feel it in your hands and let that feeling take over your senses. You get there you reach out, you are almost there, and once you think you are going to feel it and your heart explodes with happiness and overwhelming joy...
The crystal broke, only its pieces remain, ah what a bitter sweet sensation. Finally you get to feel it, but now its broken and you have nothing that could fix it. But wait, there is more, there is still you.. You the one who saw her in that state of beauty, who knows you could soon find another majestic one and a beauty she will be.
Hold your self together, the best is yet to come...
Needless Sleep
I am the kind of person that doesn't like to sleep much at all. Sleep to me is a wast of time, I am aware of what happens while you sleep. The whole energy replenishment its fine, i just wish there was another way to get your energy back. Right now its 2:38am and i will be up by 7am but i refuse to go to sleep yet. I mean there is so much i could do right now.
If I fall asleep time passes by rapidly, nothing gets really accomplished, aside from the bodily function. Reading is something I really enjoy and at night time seems to be a very proper time to do so. I don't have to deal with any noise or distraction since all is in perpetual silence.
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Thanks for coming; here you will find a collection of things I randomly come up with. Most of them are a way to vent out how I feel, others are just random stuff my mind comes up with. I like to write short stories on my spare time, hopefully I'll get to post some here too :) So please keep coming back, I post things every now and then and some times more often than others. Again thanks for coming and hope you enjoy what you see, and please feel free to comment!!! :)