Thursday, January 10, 2008

Us Two.

If I let my self go and not think of anything, would I still find you there? If the ground beneath my feet were to crumble and swallow me whole, would you still find me? Would you care to? The unknown can be sweet, allows your mind to please your heart. Factual events come with ease and your life can flourish. Let the clock keep ticking, let the world keep turning, let all that should, come to. Without the unknown disturbed, I'll always find us two.


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Welcome to my madness..

Thanks for coming; here you will find a collection of things I randomly come up with. Most of them are a way to vent out how I feel, others are just random stuff my mind comes up with. I like to write short stories on my spare time, hopefully I'll get to post some here too :) So please keep coming back, I post things every now and then and some times more often than others. Again thanks for coming and hope you enjoy what you see, and please feel free to comment!!! :)